• EAVP2024 Third circular

    It is with great pleasure that we share with you the third circular (download) of the 21st EAVP meeting, a joint effort between the University of Oslo (Norway), University of Uppsala (Sweden) and the University Centre in Svalbard (Norway), and to be held in Longyearbyen, Svalbard (Norway) from 28th August to 1st September 2024

    All information about the meeting can be found in this and future circulars via this website, as well as on the meeting website: https://www.nhm.uio.no/english/research/events/conferences/EAVP2024/Program/

    EAVP 2024 is supported by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council.


    On Sunday, 7 May 2023, an article was published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo – reiterated in Nature (12 May 2023) – indicating that “Ubirajara jubatus“ would finally be repatriated to the Museu do Cariri in Brazil On Sunday 4th June 2023, as per the initial discussions between professors Kellner & Frey in February 2021. The final destination was confirmed after dialogues between the Brazilian Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and of Foreign Affairs, the German Embassy in Brazil, and the Regional University of Cariri (URCA-CE) (MCTI, 16 May 2023). The EAVP warmly welcomes this news. However, it rejects the dearth of transparency in the whole process, and the lack of active involvement of scientists and museum staff – both from Brazil and Germany – in it. The Association firmly opposes this lack of transparency, which has resulted in misleading and conflicting narratives, adding to the uncertainty around a resolution to this issue.

    Over the last few years, the EAVP’s ethics committee has carried out research into this process, contacting people in both countries and confirming that palaeontologists and curators have been excluded from most of it. With this statement, the EAVP calls for the active involvement of researchers and museum workers in all future repatriation processes, following the example of protocols already in place at other institutions.

    The EAVP Board


    The EAVP is very pleased to announce that PeerJ is again sponsoring two awards to be assigned during the meeting, for Best Poster and Best Talk. Each award winner will be granted a free publication in any PeerJ journal subject to peer review, as well as a feature on the PeerJ blog site to discuss their research.

    All student attendees will be eligible for the awards. Winners will be announced during the closing ceremony, on Friday June 30th.


    The 2023 call for EAVP Research Grants is now open! There are three grants available, one of which is ringfenced for Ukrainian palaeontologists.

    The deadline is the 29th of May 2023 at 12:00 (noon) CET.

    Click here for further information and to apply!


    EAVP 2023 stands out already for the amount of interest it has attracted: more than 200 contributions were submitted for the meeting!

    The Organising Committee thanks all the authors that submitted an abstract. We are currently going through the revision process, but, given the very high number of abstracts received, the date specified for abstract decisions is extended to May 10.

    If you are still waiting for information about your abstract, don’t worry: we are working on it!

  • Abstract deadline extended!

    The abstract deadline for EAVP 2023 in Sabadell has been extended to the 10th of April! We look forward to seeing you there!

    Early bird registration and Annual Meeting Grant application still closed on March 31st, so are no longer possible this year.

    Visit the meeting website to register or submit an abstract.

  • First circular 2023 meeting

    It is with great pleasure that we share with you the first circular (download) of the next EAVP meeting, organised by the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont and to be held in Sabadell (Spain) from June 26th to July 1st 2023.

    All information about the meeting can be found in this and future circulars via this website, as well as on the meeting website: https://eavp2023.icp.cat/

    You can also follow us on Twitter at @eavp2023

    Looking forward to see you all in Sabadell next summer!

    The organising committee

    The EAVP Board

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