EAVP 2020 postponed to 2021
Dear friends and colleagues,
It’s with great sorrow that we announce that the 2020 EAVP meeting in Benevento is postponed to summer 2021. As you may have noticed we have delayed the registration, hoping to avoid such drastic measure, but this unprecedented pandemic situation and the unpredictable developments, especially in terms of quarantine and travel restrictions, forces us, in agreement with the EAVP board, to postpone the meeting to the next year.
Benevento is happy to welcome you all for the 2021 conference, where we’ll hopefully have a lot of time to share our knowledge and socialize!
Stay safe, healthy and palaeo
Best regards
The Organizing Committee
Gennaro Santamaria, Simone Foresta, Lorenzo Rook, Raffaele Sardella, Matteo Belvedere, Cristiano Dal Sasso, Ornella Amore, Pasquale Raia